Friday 3 July 2009


i'v just climbed into bed after what has being a rather bizzare day. woke up nice and early from the excitement of doing the second pregnancy test and dashed strait to the bathroom with a full bladder ready to turn the little stick pink...then wait for 3 minutes...
it felt like a lifetime robin made me put the test at the other side of the room so i wouldnt keep looking at it told me to sit down and relax with a cup of tea and wait for it to do its magic. slyly checking the clock every 10 seconds. finally the 3 minutes were up and I scurried over to the dining room table to collect the result. there it was... loud and clear a big clearblue +... were pregnant! it was a fait one but enough to convince me. my family knew we were trying so I phoned my dad strait away and told him the good news. his first words were "didnt take you two long did it little miss fertile" he had a point, exacally a month after my last period and we were pregnant! as soon as 8am rolled on I phoned my GP for an appointment and got one for later that afternoon. my sister tracey came and picked me up and took me to the appointment and robin headed off to work. the appointment was very brief I dont think the doctor thinks I am pregnant as he wanted me to give him a urine sample to send away and do another pregnancy test. Another test! I'm sat there knowing i'm pregnant and now waiting for the doctor to phone to tell me my test is a positive? it didnt make any sense to me. I played along anyway and said I would drop the sample in the next day.

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